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US Navy Outdoor Flags

US Navy Flags are made from 100% nylon with 2 brass grommets
Are you aware?  US Navy Flag was adopted 1959, It is used on land in offices, in parades and for ceremonial occasions, and on the ships in port. It is never flown by ships at sea, outdoor flagpoles on naval land installations is not used as an identifying mark of U.S. Navy ships and facilities
070111 4x6 inches E-Gloss Mounted
10'' staff
070111 4x6 inches E-Gloss Mounted
10'' staff
070126 12x18 inches E-Poly MTD
24'' staff
070009 12x18 inches Nylon
Outdoor Flag with 2 brass grommets
070026 2x3 feet Nylon
Outdoor Flag with 2 brass grommets
070041 3x5 feet E-Poly
Outdoor Flag with 2 brass grommets
070056 3x5 feet Nylon
Outdoor Flag with 2 brass grommets
070071 4x6 feet Nylon
Outdoor Flag with 2 brass grommets
070086 5x8 feet Nylon
Outdoor Flag with 2 brass grommets
070379 6x10 feet Nylon
Outdoor Flag with 2 brass grommets

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