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USMC Parade Flags Set

US Marine Corps Parade Flag Set include 3x5', 4x6' or 5x8' nylon flag with fringe and pole sleeve, 8- 12 foot oak or golden aluminum flagpole, golden tassels, 12'' golden floor stand, golden spear
Are you aware?  USMC flag was adopted in 1776 and it was considered the official flag of the American naval forces by the Maritime Committee of the Continental Congress.
35USMCSET1 3x5 feet Indoor/Presentation Flag Set
3x5' nylon flag w/ fringe and pole sleeve, 8 foot oak pole, golden spear, tassels, 12'' golden floor stand
35USMCSET1 3x5 feet Indoor/Presentation Flag Set
3x5' nylon flag w/ fringe and pole sleeve, 8 foot oak pole, golden spear, tassels, 12'' golden floor stand
35USMCSet2 3x5 feet Indoor/Presentation Flag Set
3x5' nylon flag w/ fringe and pole sleeve, 9 foot gold alum. pole, golden spear, tassels, 12'' golden floor stand
46USMCSet2 4x6 feet Indoor/Presentation Flag Set
4x6' nylon flag with fringe and pole sleeve, 8 foot gold alum. pole, golden spear, tassels, 12'' golden floor stand
46USMCSet1 4x6 feet Indoor/Presentation Flag Set
4x6' nylon flag with fringe and pole sleeve, 8 ft oak pole, golden spear, tassels, 12'' golden floor stand
58USMCSet1 5x8 feet Indoor/Presentation Flag Set
5x8' nylon flag with fringe and pole sleeve, 9 ft oak pole, golden spear, tassels, 12'' golden floor stand

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