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Holiday Inn Express Hotel Flags

Holiday Inn Express Hotel Flags are made from high quality nylon to use outdoors or indoors. All flags are single-reversed construction and the image is on both sides of the flag. These Flags are made to order only, if not in stock, please allow up to 15 days for delivery
1138535 3x5 feet Nylon
Outdoor Flag with 2 brass grommets
1138535 3x5 feet Nylon
Outdoor Flag with 2 brass grommets
1138546 4x6 feet Nylon
Outdoor Flag with 2 brass grommets
1138558 5x8 feet Nylon
Outdoor Flag with 2 brass grommets
11385610 6x10 feet Nylon
Outdoor Flag with 2 brass grommets
1138535IND 3x5 feet Indoor/Presentation Flag
Presentation Flag with pole hem and Golden Fringe
1138535SET 3x5 feet Indoor/Presentation Flag Set
8 ft flagpole, 12'' floor stand, 3x5 ft flag w/golden fringe, fringe, golden spear, tassels

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