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US Census Bureau Presentation Flag Sets

US Census Bureau Indoor Presentation Flag Sets include:3x5 ft or 4x6 ft flag with fringe and pole sleeve and golden fringe, 8 ft oak pole, golden tassels, 12'' golden floor stand, golden spear. These Flags are made to order only; if not in stock, please allow up to 15 days for delivery
Are you aware? US Census Bureau is agency of the US Federal Statistical System, and  responsible for producing data about the American people and economy. The Census Bureau is part of the US Department of Commerce and its director is appointed by the President of the United States US Census Bureau was formed in 1902
USCB35SET1 3x5 feet Indoor/Presentation Flag Set
3x5 ft fringed flag, 8 ft oak pole with spear, floor stand, golden tassels
USCB35SET1 3x5 feet Indoor/Presentation Flag Set
3x5 ft fringed flag, 8 ft oak pole with spear, floor stand, golden tassels
USCB46SET1 4x6 feet Indoor/Presentation Flag Set
4x6' flag w/fringe, pole sleeve, 8 ft oak flagpole, golden tassels, 12'' golden floor stand, golden spear

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