World flags,  International flags,  City flags

Indoor Parade Deluxe Flag Sets

Indoor Parade Deluxe American Flag sets include Nylon USA Flag 3x5, 4x6 or 5x8 feet with densely embroidered stars, lock stitched hand sewn sewn stripes, flannel lined pole heading, leather tabs, and gold fringe, brass metal eagle ornament, golden tassels, polished oak pole with brass screw joint, golden eagle, heavy duty gold 12'' cast iron floor stand, flag spreader
591100SET35 3x5 feet Indoor/Presentation Flag Set
3x5 ft fringed flag, 8 ft x 1 1/4'' oak pole with eagle, cast iron floor stand, golden tassels , flag spreader
591100SET35 3x5 feet Indoor/Presentation Flag Set
3x5 ft fringed flag, 8 ft x 1 1/4'' oak pole with eagle, cast iron floor stand, golden tassels , flag spreader
591200SET46 4x6 feet Indoor/Presentation Flag Set
4x6 ft fringed flag, 9 ft x 1 1/4'' oak pole with eagle, cast iron floor stand, golden tassels, flag spreader
591652SET58 5x8 feet Indoor/Presentation Flag Set
5x8 ft fringed flag, 12 ft x 1 1/4'' oak pole with eagle, cast iron floor stand, golden tassels, flag spreader

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